Of Course
in Miracles

Print and eBook Available on Amazon
May 15th, 2024

Of Course in Miracles

If you are ready for more miracles, this touching, uplifting, and funny book will take you there!

We can all use a good miracle, and shift our life from doubt and fear to greater confidence and love. In this new volume, Alan sheds bright light on how to make A Course in Miracles’ transformational principles work in your life to bring you more rewarding relationships, expanded prosperity, vibrant health, and peace of mind. Whether  you are new to ACIM, an experienced student, or you do not intend to study the Course, here you will find many penetrating insights and inspiring stories that will touch your heart, awaken your mind, and bring your life into greater alignment with your highest purpose.

Chapters and Principles Include:

Each chapter concludes with stimulating questions for self-introspection, plus powerful affirmations to make the principles real and effective in your daily life.

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